All posts in " setting boundaries "

Setting boundaries – complex, difficult work

By Dave Henning / November 25, 2020

“Setting boundaries is complex, difficult work, but I promise that as we begin to set limits and learn to listen to what our bodies are telling us, we will start experiencing the freedom that comes with hearing the heartbeat of our internal world.  This is part of the foundation that will help us thrive.”- Aundi […]


The fuel you need to start setting boundaries

By Dave Henning / July 23, 2020

“Connecting with your blue flame will give you the fuel you need to start setting some much-needed boundaries, because it carries with it that great sense of mission. . . .  Your blue flame . . . will illuminate the path you need to be on so that you can make empowered decisions about what […]


Reconciliation roadmap

By Dave Henning / March 23, 2016

As June Hunt continues Chapter 9 of How to Forgive, she offers a reconciliation roadmap telling us what will be required for the journey as well as what healthy, appropriate reconciliation looks like.  Ms. Hunt lists four provisions the offended need for the trip. 1.  Genuine forgiveness.  Ms. Hunt states reconciliation never will be successful […]

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