All posts in " smoke and mirrors "

HALT moments – some of the easiest footholds

By Dave Henning / March 22, 2022

“HALT moments (hungry, angry, lonely, and tired) are some of [Satan’s] easiest footholds.  Remember, what you tolerate will eventually dominate.  The good news?  We are not unaware of his tactics.  We’ve got game film going all the way back to the Garden of Eden.”- Mark Batterson “For we are not unaware of his schemes.”- 2 […]


Courage falters when we shift from Jesus

By Dave Henning / June 6, 2019

“Courage falters when we shift from Jesus to something or someone else.  We start to wonder if Jesus really is better. . . .  Don’t throw away your confidence.  It’s your confidence in Christ that will give you the courage to endure and not give up.  So grab hold of that with both hands and […]

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