All posts in " Suffering Servant "

Wipe disingenuous smiles off our faces

By Dave Henning / September 15, 2022

“The Suffering Servant invites us, in our pain, to wipe disingenuous smiles off our faces and start living honestly concerning how damaged and hurt we feel.  He commands that we be righteously angry and that we hate what is evil, even as we cling to what is good.”- Scott Sauls “Let love be genuine.  Abhor […]


Ultimately a suffering servant = Jesus

By Dave Henning / November 24, 2020

“Jesus was ultimately a suffering servant, but He lived out this truth from a place of choice — not because He was shamed into it.  Read that again.  He invites us to live from this place of freedom too. . . .  Certainly, the Bible shows us that God absolutely hardwired us for connection.  But […]


God receives our groans as honest prayers

By Dave Henning / March 31, 2017

“When our words are few, God receives our groans as honest prayers before Him.”- Esther Fleece “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.”- Romans 8:22 Esther Fleece concludes Chapter 3 of No More Faking Fine with five words that apply to […]

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