All posts in " sustaining grace "

Pursuing a sustaining grace

By Dave Henning / August 31, 2020

“We are pursuing a sustaining grace, a power, a presence, life-force — the daily experience of more of God in more of us.  We are doing this largely through the healing and restoration of our own souls, the beautiful, besieged vessels he longs to fill.”- John Eldredge “I have given them the glory that you […]


Affirming God’s control, sustaining grace

By Dave Henning / August 9, 2019

“When Jesus raised the bread and fish up to heaven and said a blessing over them, he was affirming God’s control over the situation.  He was emphasizing that God’s sustaining grace provides for all his creatures, day in and day out.”- Tina Boesch “Blessed art Thou, Lord our God, King of the universe, who in […]


Mama’s heart

By Dave Henning / July 20, 2015

“Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.”- Psalm 55:22 “If I be his child, then I have a portion in his heart here, and I shall have a portion in his house above.”- Charles Spurgeon Mark Lucas and I started our lifelong friendship […]

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