All posts in " tipping point "

The tipping point – a cacophony

By Dave Henning / May 24, 2023

“The tipping point . . . the point where there is so much noise, so loud, for so long, that you don’t hear anything at all.  The cacophony of sounds blends together and none of it means anything. . . .  You can’t hear your own thoughts — let alone God.  There are just too […]


Plodding one day at a time – daily habits

By Dave Henning / May 5, 2021

“Imagining unborn tomorrows isn’t just plotting for the distant future.  It’s plodding one day at a time.  It’s putting one foot in front of the other when you don’t feel like doing so.  Life goals have to translate into daily habits!  You have to wind the clock on your dreams every day.”- Mark Batterson “Jonathan […]


Break a sweat for your faith

By Dave Henning / January 18, 2020

“God blesses those who are willing to break a sweat for what they believe in. . . .  You can’t just pray like it depends on God.  You also have to work like it depends on you.  The blessing of God doesn’t just fall into our laps.”- Mark Batterson As Mark Batterson continues Chapter 6 […]


Inner unconquerableness

By Dave Henning / May 25, 2016

“No power on earth or in hell can conquer the Spirit of God in a human spirit.  It is an inner unconquerableness.”- Oswald Chambers Mark Batterson concludes Chapter 2 of If by noting that the leverage point in any system’s structure is the place where a solution element can be applied.  A high leverage point […]

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