All posts in " tongue-tied "

An epidemic rise in anxiety

By Dave Henning / September 29, 2023

“If we’re honest, most of us would admit that what determines ‘my way’ is what other people think. . . .  The rise of social media has given way to an epidemic rise in anxiety.  Why?  It causes us to obsess about our lives, our image, and the way other perceive us.”- Kyle Idleman “O […]


Deliverance stories – God uses them

By Dave Henning / May 14, 2020

“It isn’t always easy to surrender our plans, but it’s incredible to see what unfolds when we have faith.  God uses our stories of deliverance and freedom to point to his mighty power.”- Meredith McDaniel “But Moses pleaded to the LORD, ‘I am not very good with words.  I never have been, and I’m not […]

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