All posts in " tug-of-war "

Spiritual victory – Jesus’ eyes

By Dave Henning / March 29, 2024

“Spiritual warfare isn’t a tug-of-war between us and the demons.  Spiritual victory takes no sweat — it just takes Jesus’ eyes.  To make you a conqueror, Jesus doesn’t want you to do a great thing.  He wants you to see a greater thing.”- Alan Wright “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors […]


Internal tug-of-war: rejoice!

By Dave Henning / May 15, 2023

“When you feel the battle of an internal tug-of-war, rejoice!  If the Holy Spirit wasn’t at work in you and around you, you’d have no such conflict.  You’d just . . . keep your own plans and go about your day. . . .  The Holy Spirit will always advocate for you to practice the […]


Tension between the old and new lives

By Dave Henning / October 31, 2019

” . . .. until heaven Christians will always face a certain amount of tension between the old and the new lives.  The reality is there’s a constant tug-of-war between our sinful nature and God’s Spirit.  We get pulled between these forces all day long, so it’s not uncommon to land in the middle.”- Bob […]

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