All posts in " Walter Brueggemann "

An act of resistance – celebrate the Sabbath

By Dave Henning / November 6, 2021

“In our own contemporary context of the rat race of anxiety, the celebration of Sabbath is an act of both resistance and alternative.  It is resistance because it is a visible insistence that our lives are not defined by production and commodity goods.”- Walter Brueggemann, Sabbath as Resistance (2014) In Chapter 5 (“Sabbath: The Rhythm […]


Apparent tensions in the Psalms

By Dave Henning / August 1, 2021

“These apparent tensions in the Psalms begin to make sense only in the experience of honest prayer.  In coming out of hiding, you will come to realize that you often have conflicting feelings and thoughts about God, yourself, and prayer.  Sharing these feelings is part of abiding.  Sharing these struggles affirms that God can hear […]

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