All posts in " wanderlust "

Necessary and voluntary limits

By Dave Henning / August 12, 2022

“We live in an age of #wanderlust.  We think a move will be the cure for our boring lives.  But what if there are necessary and voluntary limits we must submit ourselves to in order to experience home?  The climb to find home in the modern world is entirely uphill.”- Daniel Grothe “The man from […]


Carrying our baggage with us

By Dave Henning / August 11, 2022

“There are times when a move is necessary. . . .  And, in fact, there are times when movement only exacerbates the problem.  Instead of doing the hard work that is required, the hard work that could lead to personal growth, we bounce, carrying our baggage with us.”- Daniel Grothe “Whoever you may be, always […]

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