All posts in " withdrawal "

The search for identity

By Dave Henning / January 10, 2024

“The search for identity is closely related to the search for significance, because we can’t know how valuable we are until we know who we are.  We all fall back on looking for our identity in certain people or things from time to time.”- Chip Ingram As Chip Ingram moves on in Chapter 3 of […]


Naked truth – the need to confront

By Dave Henning / November 6, 2019

“If we don’t confront the naked truth, we’ll spend too much time and money on things that remain here on earth and not enough on the one thing that goes with us.  Because ultimately the only thing you take with you into heaven is other people.”- Bob Merritt As Bob Merritt continues Chapter 10 of […]


Anger repressed

By Dave Henning / July 19, 2016

“Anger repressed can poison a relationship as surely as the cruelest words.”- Dr. Joyce Brothers “Anger was designed to be a visitor, never a resident, in the human heart.”- Dr. Gary Chapman Dr. Gary Chapman begins Chapter 6 (“Explosions and Implosions”) of Anger by noting that “implosive anger can be as damaging as explosive expressions of […]

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