All posts in " workaholism "

The search for identity

By Dave Henning / January 10, 2024

“The search for identity is closely related to the search for significance, because we can’t know how valuable we are until we know who we are.  We all fall back on looking for our identity in certain people or things from time to time.”- Chip Ingram As Chip Ingram moves on in Chapter 3 of […]


Trying to numb the pain of emptiness

By Dave Henning / November 25, 2018

“People try to numb the pain of emptiness with things that make the hollow worse, not better.  There are far more  false comforters than real comforters in this area.”- Carey Nieuwhof Carey Nieuwhof concludes Chapter 13 of Didn’t See It Coming as he observes that the solutions we chase just end up introducing more problems.  […]

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