All posts in " worst case scenario "

The CEO of your life = you

By Dave Henning / July 26, 2020

“You are the CEO of your life. . . .  You have a duty to dream.  It’s your job to set the vision, to look up from the ground and out to the horizon and imagine what might lie beyond.  You’ll find that following your blue flame will light the path to a better way.  […]


So caught up in our excuses

By Dave Henning / December 15, 2019

“We get so caught up in our excuses that we miss the entire point of God’s call.  He wants to accomplish something great through us by doing something great in us.”- Charles Swindoll The Lord asked Moses, “Who makes a person’s mouth?  Who decides whether people speak or do not speak hear or do not […]


Crossing a threshold

By Dave Henning / August 30, 2015

“It’s better to go through the wrong door with your best self than the best door with your wrong self.”- John Ortberg In Chapter 6 (“How to Cross a Threshold”) of All the Places to Go, John Ortberg observes that it’s good for us to choose our doors carefully.  But when we decide to go- […]

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