All posts in " yada "

Stay open to God’s goodness

By Dave Henning / December 28, 2023

“Stay open to the idea of God’s goodness, even when He seems silent.  He’s always near, always teaching us how to trust Him.  And when the time is right, He’ll punch through the clouds with His healing rays, and we’ll remember afresh that we’re going to be okay.”- Susie Larson “Though the LORD is on […]


Stay close enough to touch Him

By Dave Henning / June 25, 2022

“Stand back from God, like He’s only some holy smoking mountain, and you can only know about God.  To know this God you will have to stay close enough to touch Him.  Close enough to touch, to trace every word, every line, from His Word. . . .  Then, and only then, after you’ve touched […]


An Exodus journey – every lament

By Dave Henning / September 18, 2019

“Every lament is an Exodus journey.  The lamenter suffers, the lamenter expresses that suffering to God; God responds with compassion; God hears, sees, delivers.  In time the lamenter is transformed and puts his or her hope again in God.”- Aubrey Sampson “God heard their groaning and remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with […]

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