What does this mean?- the sequel

By Dave Henning / November 16, 2012

“Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”-Colossians 3:17

Commenting on this passage, author John Ortberg (The Life You’ve Always Wanted) states that in the Bible a person’s name generally had something to do with his/her character.  However, what is particularly striking about this passage is the comprehensive nature of what Paul says- we are to do everything in the name of our Lord.  There are no loopholes.

Echoing the words of other authors, Pastor Ortberg tells us that we need to be intentional in designing specific activities to achieve that goal.  That design has 2 specific components: (1) we must clearly understand the implications of doing our selected activities in the name of Jesus; and (2) discover how to rearrange our lives accordingly.  As we think of our daily routines, it is helpful to ask the following question: What would it mean to (fill in a specific activity) in Jesus’ name?

Consider a subject “dear” to my heart- the alarm clock going off early in the morning.  Upon waking, do we have anxious thoughts about the upcoming day or are we reassured by God’s presence?  The author adds:

“. . . it is in just such ordinary, seemingly non-spiritual activities . . . that ‘doing everything in Jesus’ name’ must make a difference if it is to mean anything at all.”

Spiritually strengthening ourselves through the Holy Spirit’s power in the daily routines of life prepares us for desert, Land Between times.

About the author

Dave Henning

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