A vivid point of light

By Dave Henning / October 31, 2015

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”- Psalm 119:105

“A ‘life verse’ is a power clarifying tool when it comes to simplifying our lives.”- Bill Hybels

In Chapter 8 (“From Drifting to Focused: Claiming God’s Call on Your Life”) of Simplify, Bill Hybels tells of the time he went sailing with his dad from South Haven, Michigan to Chicago.  Bill was eight years old.  On the way they encountered a massive storm, which they fought for over ten hours.  Finally, in the distance, they spotted a vivid point of light- the Chicago Breakwater Lighthouse.  The safety of the harbor was near.

The experience was so seared into Bill’s mind that he painted a picture of that vivid point of light.  It hangs in his kitchen to this day.  In life, Pastor Hybels explains, we need a light directing us back to safe harbor:

“. . . we all need a vivid point of light from Scripture- a particular verse that resonates with us personally, to guide our paths and give us a reference point, no matter the size of the waves.”

When adversity overwhelms us, a life-verse can guide us back to the things that matter most.  In the next blog, Pastor Hybels discusses how he chose his life verse as well as the power of adopting a life verse.

Today’s question: What verse or verses immediately come to mind as a potential life verse?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Choosing your life verse”

About the author

Dave Henning

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