Grounded transparently in God

By Dave Henning / December 17, 2016

“You are most who you are meant to be when no wind in the world can stop you from being grounded transparently in God.”- Ann Voskamp

As Ann Voskamp continues Chapter 14 of The Broken Way, she observes that when people steal a part of you, you must fill the vacuum.  You must find yourself once more.  Yet, we must remember to fully surrender that feeling to God.  Even if we feel un-okay.

Therefore, Ann encourages, remember that you don’t have to fix, deny, or pretend away things.  Simply feel the brokenness of things.  It’s okay to be un-okay.  However, trust that Christ always makes a way.  Therefore, Ann encourages you to “run to the only Word that brings healing.”

Yet, our attempt to construct an identity on something else besides Christ defines the core of every one of our issues.  We cannot allow a cacophony of disparate voices to deafen us to the beauty of our identity in Christ.  In The Reason for Christ: Belief in an Age of Skepticism (2008) Timothy Keller calls this attempt sin:

“Sin is the despairing refusal too find your deepest identity in your relationship and service to God, . . . Human beings were made not only to believe in God in some general way, but to love Him supremely, center their lives on him above all else, and build their very identities on Him.  Anything other than this is sin.”

Today’s question: What Bible verses keep you grounded transparently in God?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “The greatest danger to our soul”

About the author

Dave Henning

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