Life’s complexities and challenges

By Dave Henning / January 30, 2017

“Life’s complexities and challenges would be far less complex and challenging if we could approach every day like Jesus did: from heaven to earth.”- Judah Smith

“No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man.”- John 3:13

Pastor Judah Smith concludes Chapter 10 of How’s Your Soul? with his belief that forever matters today.  Think of eternity and the bliss of heaven.  Then God’s eternal love and presence puts our pain and problems in proper perspective.

Furthermore, Judah asserts that approaching every day like Jesus did reduces life’s complexities and challenges.  In other words, this means completing life’s daily activities while contemplating eternity in heaven.  Specifically, Pastor Smith encourages, “the more we live from heaven to earth” proportionally increases the health and happiness of our souls.

In conclusion, the author urges us to make God’s presence, glory, and goodness the focal point of life on earth.  Therefore, let the glory of God shape your calling or vocation.  When the power and passion of Jesus permeate your whole being, you’ll go to the ends of the earth for Jesus.  Determine to live this life in the light of heaven.

Judah summarizes:

“Eternity is calling your soul.  It inspires you to awaken the dream again, and to take risks.  It asks you to pursue visions . . . shaped not by fear or selfish desires but by the glory of God and the reality of heaven.”

Today’s question: How do you approach every day like Jesus did, from heaven to earth?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: the Annotated Bibliography of How’s Your Soul?

About the author

Dave Henning

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