Divinely designed detours

By Dave Henning / February 22, 2017

“Divinely designed detours . . . positive interruptions designed to divert down a better path so that we might have the opportunity to reach our destination at all.”- Dr. Tony Evans

In Chapter 1 (“The Purpose of Detours”) of Detours, Dr. Tony Evans describes his personal feelings about detours.  He sighs.  He moans.  Then, Dr. Evans wonders why on earth that detour had to happen to him right now.  Put another way, Dr. Evans states, “detours are typically unexpected inconveniences that, without fail, cause a speed bump in your emotions.”

Whether we believe it or not, God’s divinely designed detours benefit us.  In other words, even though detours are good, they often feel bad.  However, trying to push through the detour on the original path gets you nowhere.  Therefore, you might as well take the detour.

Next, Dr. Evans reminds us that, as believers in Christ, we have a destination or destiny.  Specifically, your destiny consists of an eternal as well as a time-bound, historical destiny.  The author explains:

  • eternal destiny– living in God’s presence forever, worshipping Him
  • historical destiny– fulfilling God’s unique, created purpose for you

In conclusion, Dr. Evans describes God’s plan and purpose for your existence:

“He [God] desires you to live out your destiny.  Your destiny is not just to go through the motions day-in and day-out.  It is a God-designed stamp on your soul that involves the use of your time, talents, and treasures for His glory and other people’s good for the advancement of His kingdom.”

Today’s question: Apply Dr. Evans’ definition of divinely designed detours to your ministry downsizing or vocation loss.  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Authentic hope in your spirit”

About the author

Dave Henning

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