The thing you set your heart on

By Dave Henning / June 27, 2018
[God] knows that you become like the thing you set your heart on, and He knows that you thrive when you’re like Him — fully free, full of life, abounding in love, peace, and joy.”- Christa Black Gifford

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.”- John 16:33 (NIV)

In Chapter 4 (“The Reconciled Heart”) of Heart Made Whole, Christa Black Gifford observes that one cannot force love.  Rather, love’s always a choice.   Furthermore, love always submits.  Yet, when we ignore God’s will, His Word, and the relationship He offers, many of us turn around to point the finger at God.  Although the Father makes His perfect will very clear throughout Scripture, we choose to turn our bcks and ignore Him.

Thus, God knows full well that you become like the thing you set your heart on.  And He knows that you thrive when you’re fully free and full of life.  For then you abound in peace, love, and joy.  Therefore, as long as you insist on refusing His assistance, you’ll remain stranded and feel abandoned.  But that’s not God’s will, nor is it His way.

Yes, as long as we live in close proximity to other human beings, it’s impossible to avoid the punches of others.  Asa result, Christa explains, we must make a crucial choice:

“The free will of others will continue to negatively impact all of our lives, and pain will be the result.  But if we choose to draw close to God in our pain — instead of running away in distrust — miracles are always the result.”

Finally, as we stay in relationship with God, we develop trust.  And from that trust, we’ll find peace in every storm.

Today’s question: How have you become like the thing you set your heart on?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Hearts anchored to God’s goodness”

About the author

Dave Henning

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