
An unexamined and disconnected life

“The speed at which we travel is exciting but also problematic.  I have discovered that a hurried life leads to an unexamined and disconnected life.  Hurry kills intimacy with God, with family, and with friends.”- Carey Nieuwhof

Carey Nieuwhof concludes Chapter 6 of Didn’t See It Coming as he discusses ways to foster the art of conversation.  An important step involves confessing your sins.  Once you confess your sins, Carey notes, you’ll:

  • begin to see yourself as the problem and God’s transformation of you as the solution in your relationships
  • reduce your self-absorption and self-justification
  • begin to develop a hear for others, which in turn will . . .
  • transform your conversations and begin to foster better relationships

Furthermore, Pastor Nieuwhof underscores, taking an interest in others rather than yourself represents a very small part of dying to yourself.  And this is something very close to the heart of Christ.  Also, Carey adds, “when you give your life away, something great arises.”

However, the author cautions, our connected world has made it increasingly possible to run hard, push the limits, and squeeze the most out of every day.  As a result, pressure amps up for you to do, be, and accomplish more.  Therefore, slowing down your pace presents the only way you can:

  1. pause long enough to confess the mess you’re in as well as the mess you’ve created
  2. engage the people around you
  3. be truly present with your family

In conclusion, Carey asserts that love has a speed.  And it’s slower than we are.  Thus, love pauses, lingers, offers full focus, and gives far more than it takes.  So, when we run too fast, we outrun love.  Even if the world won’t slow down anytime soon, that doesn’t mean you can’t.

Today’s question: How has hurry led to an unexamined and disconnected life?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Irrelevance – no connection to surrounding culture”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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