
Number one ingredient – living out your destiny

“I want to make clear that the number one ingredient in living out your destiny is your passion. . . .  There is no such thing as a destiny without a passion for that destiny.  God didn’t create you to do something that He didn’t likewise give you the motivation and desire to do.”- Dr. Tony Evans

“And thus I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else’s foundation.”- Romans 15:20 (ESV)

In Chapter 6 (“Passion”) if Discover Your Destiny, Dr. Tony Evans first defines spiritual passion.  He writes:

“Spiritual passion is the God-given capacity to fervently devote ourselves to something or someone over an extended period of time in order to accomplish a goal and meet a need.”

Furthermore, Dr. Evans notes, Paul described his own passion in Romans 15:20.  Most significantly, the Greek word translated aspired or ambition = philotimeomai.  That Greek word means ‘to strive earnestly’ or ‘from a love of honor to strive to bring something to pass.’

Hence, Tony asks, what makes you zealous for something too hot not to handle.  That’s your passion.  And your passion:

  • causes you to think about the subject when the subject isn’t even on the table
  • fuels your calling and destiny
  • keeps you going when you want to be ‘uncalled’
  • signifies something you fulfill, whether or not you receive remuneration

Finally, Dr. Evans provides some perspective on passion, for God’s set eternity in our hearts.  He concludes:

“Anything that is determined by physical reality rather than focused on the spiritual reality of your soul will pass away. . . .  You can fully maximize your life only with an eternal perspective in mind.  Your purpose and your passion have eternity written in them if they lead you to the destiny God has given you.”

Today’s question: What passion represents the number one ingredient in living out your destiny?  Please share.

Coming Monday: the February Short Meditation – “”

Tomorrow’s blog: “Your spiritual vision – eyes of faith”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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