
Clarifying the law – a new standard

“Jesus . . . then said, ‘But I tell you’ and introduced a new standard of how to relate to others.  He wasn’t contradicting the law; he was clarifying  it and giving a deeper understanding of what God wanted for humankind when the law was given.”- Kyle Idleman

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”- Matthew 5:16 (NIV)

In Chapter 5 (“Extra Mile Mentality”) of One At a Time, Kyle Idleman tells of the time someone falsely accused him in small claims court.  Rather than take a lawyer friend’s advice to settle, Pastor Idleman bought a briefcase and a plane ticket.  In court, Kyle made his case, taking a stand for his rights.  And the judge ruled in his favor.  At the time, Kyle felt pretty good about himself.  The plaintiff failed to take advantage of Kyle.

However, in retrospect, the author’s not sure he did the right thing.  Because, in His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus laid the foundation for one at a time living with some core teachings.  As a result, Jesus raised the bar on how we treat others.

Certainly, Kyle stresses, what Jesus asks butts up against your instinct.  But, choosing to align your life and relationships with His way of treating people activates two things:

1.  You will be blessed.  Everyone wants to lead a blessed and happy life.  Yet, the path leading there often feels as though it’s taking you in the opposite direction.  Jesus’s counterintuitive teaching blesses your life as well as the lives of those around you.

2.  You will make a difference.  In Matthew 5:13-14, Jesus teaches that we’re the salt of the earth and the light of the world.  Next, Kyle notes, He teaches us how to treat people in a way that shines some light and also adds some salt.

Finally, Kyle adds:

“Treating people the way Jesus teaches will add salt, but when we don’t treat people this way, it’s like corn on the cob without salt — nobody is interested.  If we apply his one at a time approach to people in our lives . . . people will notice and get an appetite for God.”

Today’s question: How do you apply Jesus’s clarifying the law to your life?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Builds a wall around your heart – anger”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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