“Knowing who you are created to be and what God has given us in salvation goes a long way toward relieving our feelings of angst.”- Chip Ingram
“Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name.”- Isaiah 40:26 (NIV)
In Chapter 12 (“You Are Called”), the final chapter of Discover Your True Self, Chip Ingram talks about how to discover your calling. First, remember the hope of your calling. Thus, in Ephesians 1, the apostle Paul expressed the desire for his readers to grasp the love of their Father. In addition, Paul wanted his readers to know their value in God’s eyes and the security of living in Him. Hence, at the foundational level, that’s what it means to be called.
Most significantly, Chip observes, both the Hebrew and Greek words for call can be used in the sense of naming or bestowing an identity. Therefore, the author adds, when God bestows an identity on us, He essentially creates. Just as He did when He called for billions of stars by name.
However, Pastor Ingram cautions:
“People who think their identity is in their work, appearance, family, status, money, or achievements will eventually experience disillusionment. But those who realize their highest, greatest identity is in being a beloved and secure son or daughter of the King will not be disillusioned.”
Secondly, Chip exhorts, reflect on the magnitude of your calling. Consequently, all the issues that keep us trapped and helpless start to dissipate. Because our eyes catch a glimpse of all God has done for us. As a result, all our efforts to cover them or compensate for them now fail to seem relevant.
Tomorrow, Pastor Ingram begins with five specific ways the apostle Paul provides to inform us that God has called us.
Today’s question: What Bible verses and hymns most help in relieving our feelings of angst? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “Holy ambition = specific calling”