All posts in "Crown Jewels"

Not-so-great expectations

By Dave Henning / April 16, 2012

Dr. J. Vernon McGee (1904-1988) founded a radio ministry entitled Thru the Bible in 1967.  The program continues to be aired on over 400 radio stations in North America.  In the program that aired Friday, April 13, 2012, Dr. McGee commented in part on John 16:33- “I (Jesus) have told you these things, so that […]


Disciplines, habits, or principles?

By Dave Henning / April 9, 2012

The newest book I’m reading is When Life’s Not Working by Bob Merritt, senior pastor of Eagle Brook Church in the Twin Cities area.  In the introduction he states that all of us face two options in life- the hard life or the harder life. The author asserts that discipline is essential if you hope […]


Type T or Type W?

By Dave Henning / April 7, 2012

In If You Want to Walk on Water . . . , John Ortberg says that the distinctive difference between Type T (thrill-seeking) and Type W (water-walking) personalities is that Type W’s have learned to wait before acting.  When we step out in faith to accept God’s calling, we might immediately get confirmation of our […]


Do you really want to wear that?

By Dave Henning / April 1, 2012

In his book Putting Your Past in Its Place, Stephen Viars applies that old adage, “Eat it today, wear it tomorrow” to issues of the heart.  The inner feelings or emotions we demonstrate today will have lasting consequences unless we diligently apply God’s Word in our adversity.   Dr. Viars cautions that: -Today’s reactions become tomorrow’s […]


“Do not easily leave”

By Dave Henning / March 29, 2012

John Ortberg ( If You Want to Walk on Water . . . ) relates this response by Abba Anthony, one of the Desert Fathers, when he was asked how a person would be able to please God.  The first two pieces of advice Abba Anthony gave would not surprise practicing Christians- always keep your focus […]



By Dave Henning / March 19, 2012

It takes a concerted effort to be thankful or have a spirit of gratitude when going through a time of adversity.  In such moments Paul’s words of encouragement to the Thessalonians to “give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18) remind us of God’s call for us to proclaim our trust in Him in good […]


Practical atheism

By Dave Henning / March 10, 2012

When adversity comes,  we can’t afford to indulge ourselves in negative thinking patterns.  As Ann Spangler warns in The Peace God Promises: “. . . if we develop a pattern of negative thinking, we risk becoming ‘practical atheists’, people who call themselves Christians even though they think and act like atheists.”  When you feel your […]


Thinking outside the box

By Dave Henning / January 19, 2012

We often associate the New Year with a fresh start, carrying the hope that things will be prosperous or improved in the coming year.  What are you hoping for this year- winning the lottery, finding that special someone, better health, a return to church work? In 1 Samuel 4 and 5, Israel goes into battle […]

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