All posts in " adoption "

The biblical concept of adoption

By Dave Henning / January 8, 2024

“It’s only when we come to understand the biblical concept of adoption that we can grasp what it means to be in Christ.”- Chip Ingram “In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will — to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has […]


Spiritual orphans in need of blessing

By Dave Henning / June 13, 2021

“Most of us aren’t literal orphans, but most of us are spiritual orphans.  We need to be blessed if we are ever going to feel like we truly belong. . . .  blessing is countercultural and absolutely essential.  We need to know we belong — that we are wanted — not because we’ve proven ourselves […]


An incredible invitation found in Christ

By Dave Henning / April 2, 2020

“In Christ we find an incredible invitation: we are invited to live, not as abandoned orphans seeking love through perfect performance, but as adopted sons and daughters with a holy heritage — loved and  chosen, just as we are.”- Esther Fleece Allen “Father to the fatherless, defender of widows — this is God, whose dwelling […]


The quiet voice of God whispers

By Dave Henning / November 28, 2019

“While the quiet voice of God whispers that we are deeply loved, we continue to search for an alternative.  We move from person to person or event to event, trying to satisfy our craving for significance. . . .  But even if we obtain the objects we pursue, they prove feeble and unreliable substitutes for […]

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