All posts in " brokenness "

Emotionally hit a wall

By Dave Henning / May 7, 2024

“Many times we emotionally hit a wall because . . . our bodies are broken and they just don’t function how we wish they could.  Because it is all so broken.  But the Bible issues hope for the brokenness. . . .  God isn’t afraid of the brokenness, and we shouldn’t be either.  He has […]


Standing at the edge of your field

By Dave Henning / October 23, 2021

“Nothing is more disheartening than standing at the edge of your field, prepared to reap the rewards of hard work, only to have something break.  This is the thing you’re most afraid of: all of it breaking. . . .  You’ve trusted God in the Growing Slow journey, taking one faithful step at a time, […]


Honesty about sin and brokenness

By Dave Henning / July 27, 2021

“Honesty about sin and brokenness is not justifying them or somehow accepting them as good.  The opposite is true.  Ignoring these things or condemning our sin and moving on is a failure to take them seriously.  . . .  Honesty in prayer is a rejection of dishonesty, or a lack of transparency, in prayer.”- Kyle […]


Push the limits and play God

By Dave Henning / May 8, 2020

“We push the limits and we play God.  The same evil one lurks and feeds us lies, trapping us in perpetual cycles of pain.  Somewhere along the way we’ve started to believe that our own stories of brokenness define who we are.”- Meredith McDaniel “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was […]


The most important name of all – Loved

By Dave Henning / April 4, 2020

“[‘Loved’] may be the most important name of all.  And it has come to be my favorite.  Everything rests on knowing and believing this name.  This name is central to the Christian faith, to who our God is, and who we are.  We are loved, and we’re called this name by a God whose love […]


Work hard at maintaining the facade

By Dave Henning / November 7, 2019

“We don’t like to be broken, and we work hard at maintaining the façade that we have it all together.  But if we’re honest, part of what life does is break us.  We get betrayed, hurt, stepped on, and shutout.  We suffer heartaches and losses.  And some days it feels a lot like despair.”- Bob […]


The new life – not a destination

By Dave Henning / November 2, 2019

” . . . the new life is not a destination, a place you can get to and say, ‘I’m finally here.’ . . .  The new life is really less of one thing and more of another.  Even in the face of our natural predisposition to sin, we can make progress — get better […]


The inexplicable mysteries of life – take courage

By Dave Henning / October 10, 2019

“In our suffering, and in life’s inexplicable mysteries, we can take courage.  We may never be able to answer all of the hard questions.  But think about it — the very fact that the evil in our world feels wrong and unjust, that sense we have that life should restore, uplift, and renew– that itself […]


Finding yourself in the deep down dark

By Dave Henning / May 7, 2019

“If you find yourself in the deep down dark, this is not the time to give up.  Take your eyes off the door that has closed and look to the window that has opened.  That’s where the light of heaven rushes in.”- Kyle Idleman In Chapter 2 (“Keep Fighting”) of Don’t Give Up, Kyle Idleman […]


Through eyes that have cried

By Dave Henning / September 22, 2018

“There are many things that can only be seen through eyes that have cried.”- Archbishop Oscar Romero of San Salvador “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the poor in spirit.”- Psalm 34:18 (ESV) In Chapter 11 (“Boundaries with Sadness”) of Boundaries for Your Soul, Alison Cook and Kimberly Miller assert that you […]


When we stop pressing forward in faith

By Dave Henning / June 29, 2018

“When we pray and nothing changes, many times as believers we use the outcome as an occasion to alter our theology to match our experience.  When we do this, we stop pressing forward in faith to find out why the natural world didn’t line up with what we expected.”- Christa Black Gifford “I will give […]


Guarded from God doubt and distrust

By Dave Henning / June 26, 2018

“Our hearts can either be guarded from God in doubt and distrust, or peace will guard our hearts through relationship as we abide in Christ.”- Christa Black Gifford (emphasis author’s) In Chapter 3 (“The Doubting Heart”) of Heart Made Whole, Christa Black Gifford admits that every time she went through a trial, she immediately put […]

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