All posts in " communion with God "

Your communion with God

By Dave Henning / July 2, 2022

“Let nothing get in the way of your communion with God, if you want to hear God communicate the way He loves you.  Do not be afraid.  Hearing comes from drawing nearer. . . .  You have to stay close enough to the Word to hear your Father’s voice.”- Ann Voskamp “Let me hear in […]


The absolute threshold of hearing

By Dave Henning / January 28, 2018

“But when God wants to be heard, when what He has to say is too important to miss, He often speaks in a whisper just above the absolute threshold of hearing.  The question of course is why.  And how.  And when and where (emphasis author’s).”- Mark Batterson “Just because you can’t hear a sound doesn’t […]

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