All posts in " Creation "

Jesus descended into the dirt

By Dave Henning / December 29, 2020

“In the actions, activities, and attitudes of His ministry among us, Jesus both embraced and restored all that was wrong with the creation.  In love, He did not abandon His creation to its destructive rebellion, but neither did He remove it from its earthly origins.  Jesus descended into the dirt, declaring it good again through […]


A soul that hallows God

By Dave Henning / April 9, 2019

“If loving God with all our heart means a heart that breaks for the things of God, then loving God with all our soul means a soul full of wonder, a soul flooded with the glory of God, a soul awed by beauty and majesty, a soul that hallows God above all else.”- Mark Batterson […]


Enjoy the trees

By Dave Henning / January 7, 2017

“So how about you enjoy the trees, eat some fruit, and relax a little bit.  You’re not that big of a deal, just FYI.”- Judah Smith’s take on God’s communication with Adam in the Garden of Eden “And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom […]

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