All posts in " crisis of faith "

Fractured Faith: Finding a Way . . .

By Dave Henning / June 13, 2022

Fractured Faith: Finding a Way . . . (Moody Publishers, 2022) The full title of Lina AbuJamra’s latest book is Fractured Faith: Finding Your Way Back to God in an Age of Reconstruction.  Lina’s a pediatric ER doctor now practicing telemedicine.  She’s also a Christian author and speaker.  The author stresses that her book is […]


The crisis of faith we need

By Dave Henning / June 8, 2022

“The crisis we need is the crisis of faith that will differentiate between true faith vs. inauthentic faith. . . .  There is a crisis of faith that is endured that turns out to be an essential part of the discipleship process.  It’s part of making your faith your own.”- Lina AbuJamra In Chapter 6 […]


Lean into disruption – a choice

By Dave Henning / May 29, 2022

“If I could have predicted how isolated and abandoned I would feel in the years to come, I would have ignored my conscience [to leave my church] and gone with the flow.  Instead, I chose to lean into disruption; my conscience had finally overruled the status quo.  Still, ask anyone who has tried it; it’s […]

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