All posts in " disconnected "

What you would do with you

By Dave Henning / October 4, 2023

“We don’t often stop and consider things from someone else’s perspective.  We don’t often ask the question, ‘What would you do?’ and even more rarely do we do that with God. . . .  But take a moment to look at your life and consider what you would do with you if you were God.”- […]


An unexamined and disconnected life

By Dave Henning / November 10, 2018

“The speed at which we travel is exciting but also problematic.  I have discovered that a hurried life leads to an unexamined and disconnected life.  Hurry kills intimacy with God, with family, and with friends.”- Carey Nieuwhof Carey Nieuwhof concludes Chapter 6 of Didn’t See It Coming as he discusses ways to foster the art […]

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