All posts in " Eden "

Our day-to-day grind; nothing close to Eden

By Dave Henning / May 25, 2017

“Our day-to-day grind isn’t anything close to Eden, and our hurting and desperate hearts look for something to which we can attach all those yearnings.”- John Eldredge “I slept but my heart was awake.”- Song of Solomon 5:2 Today in the Fall section of Walking with God, John Eldredge discusses the agreements we’ve made about […]


The longing for Eden

By Dave Henning / May 19, 2016

“When life begins to come together in a way we have always longed it would, something deep inside us whispers, Maybe it can always be like this . . . . It is the longing for Eden rising within us, and it is beautiful and powerful.  Only . . . it is premature.”- John Eldredge […]

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