All posts in " Elijah "

Cultivated a better rest

By Dave Henning / June 12, 2024

“We envy a person at rest and at peace within themselves — a person who is confident and present — but we overlook the fact that that person’s ability to be present and alive and even joyful in the moment is often not because of their circumstances.  They’ve cultivated a better rest of the soul.”- […]


Move beyond your plow?

By Dave Henning / December 31, 2023

“Every person on the planet today is on a spiritual journey.  Each one of us is either failing or sailing, walking by faith or stuck in place, surviving or thriving.  If you feel unable to move beyond your plow, to accept the mantle of promotion God has for you, then perhaps it is time to […]


Whispers in our weakness

By Dave Henning / November 6, 2023

“God still whispers to us in our weakness. Wisdom invites us to listen.  As with Elijah, God’s voice when we are weak is often directional. . . .  Many have discovered a more sustainable rhythm through God’s whispers in what the world calls weakness.”- Alicia Britt Chole “My grace is sufficient for you, for my […]


The fatigue alarm goes off

By Dave Henning / September 27, 2023

“There is nothing more tiring than giving it all we’ve got only to discover it didn’t make much difference. . . .  When your way isn’t working, you feel that nothing you do matters.  You’re not making a difference, so it doesn’t take long for the fatigue alarm to start going off.”- Kyle Idleman “Elijah […]


Seed the clouds with contending prayer

By Dave Henning / May 7, 2021

“You can seed the clouds in many different ways, but none more powerful than prayer.  When was the last time you found yourself doubled over in prayer?  The posture that Elijah assumes indicates profound humility and extreme intensity. . . .  There are moments when you need to press in and pray through.  You need […]


A spiritual name change – a long process?

By Dave Henning / April 10, 2020

” . . . a spiritual name change can be a long process. . . .  We have to give ourselves permission to take time and not expect that our new name is going to come easily or without a fight. . . .  New means ‘not like we used to be’.  New means believing […]


Part the river before we step in

By Dave Henning / February 3, 2020

“We want God to part the river before we step into it.  Why?  So our shoes don’t get wet.  We want God to go first so it doesn’t require any faith.  But this is where so many of us get stuck spiritually.  We’re waiting for God to part the waters, while God is waiting for […]


Why our prayers matter

By Dave Henning / October 14, 2018

“God delights in hearing [your prayers] as well.  But why?  Why would our prayers matter?  We can’t even get the plumber to call us back, so why would God listen to our ideas.  Simple.  Your prayers matter to God because you matter to God.  You aren’t just anybody . . . you are his child.”- […]


Things can be different

By Dave Henning / April 23, 2016

“There is nothing more hopeful than the thought that things can be different, we can move mountains, and have some role in bringing that change about.”- John Eldredge “After a long time, the word of the LORD came to Elijah: ‘Go and present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the land.”- 1 […]

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