Whispers in our weakness

By Dave Henning / November 6, 2023

“God still whispers to us in our weakness. Wisdom invites us to listen.  As with Elijah, God’s voice when we are weak is often directional. . . .  Many have discovered a more sustainable rhythm through God’s whispers in what the world calls weakness.”- Alicia Britt Chole

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”- 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)

In Chapter 32 (“Gaining Ground”) of The Night is Normal, Alicia Britt Chole talks about besetting sin.  The sin that so easily entangles (Hebrews 12:1).  As a result, Dr. Chole presents the fourth tool to help us navigate disillusion with self.

4.  When disillusioned with yourself, critique your definition of victory.  First, Dr. Chole cautions, this principle in no way substitutes for the hard work of biblical counseling and self-discipline.  Furthermore, the author stresses, victory sourced in feelings isn’t viable.

Yet, Dr. Chole counsels:

“Our generation is being held back by the fallacy that doing something without first feeling something is hypocritical. . . .  Thankfully, with or without the cooperation of our emotions, our wills can be exercised to keep following Jesus all the way to and through every night.”

6.  When disillusioned with yourself, listen to what God whispers through weakness.  Moving on to Chapter 33 (“Never Wasted”), Dr. Chole notes that our resistance to weakness is understandable.  Because weakness:

  • changes our plans.
  • edits our dreams.
  • affects those around us (perhaps even more challenging.

However, we prefer not to show weakness at all.  It’s humbling to see ourselves more accurately.  Hence, Dr. Chole exhorts:

“God does not show us our weakness to mock us.  God reveals to heal.  In between revelation and healing, things may get worse before they get better (especially if we resist the revelation or keep pushing the problem back into our lives).  But . . . the only reason we can see the issue now is that, by God’s Spirit, it is on its way out.”

Today’s question: What helps you detect God’s whispers?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “A skewed view of Jesus?”

About the author

Dave Henning

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