All posts in " encouragement "

Admonishment = high-octane encouragement

By Dave Henning / March 13, 2020

“Admonishment is high-octane encouragement.  The word literally means ‘putting in mind.’  To admonish is to deposit truth into a person’s thoughts.  Above all, admonishment is truth spoken into a difficult circumstance.  It inserts the chlorine tablet of veracity into the algae of difficulty.”- Max Lucado “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching […]


Encouragement – God places a premium on it

By Dave Henning / February 26, 2020

“God places a premium on encouragement.  Encouragement comes when we ‘come alongside’ and ‘call out.’  At least that is the impression we get from its Greek definition.  The noun paraklesis is the combination of para ( by the side) and kaleo (to call).  Jesus modeled this.”- Mac Lucado “He said to them, ‘But who do […]


I chose you- Jesus

By Dave Henning / May 5, 2016

“You did not choose me, but I chose you.”- John 15:16 “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him.”- John 6:44 “You would not have called to me unless I had been calling to you,” said the Lion.- C. S. Lewis, The Silver Chair In Chapter 7 (“Removing One […]


Enduring dark times

By Dave Henning / June 2, 2015

Today Charles Stanley completes his presentation of five reasons why the Lord allow us to experience enduring dark times. 2.  To prepare you.  Dr. Stanley notes that throughout Joseph’s thirteen years of enduring dark times in Egypt, God positioned him perfectly and spiritually for what would come next.  Dr. Stanley explains that is true for […]


Walking in obedience

By Dave Henning / May 27, 2015

Today Charles Stanley concludes his presentation of seven questions designed to give us the criteria for confidently taking hold of a promise from God. 3.  Does the fulfillment of this promise glorify Him?  God’s fulfilled promises are part of our testimony.  In this way God makes Himself known to those around us.  Our request must […]


Open Spaces

By Dave Henning / April 21, 2015

“It is a sin for the person who knows to do what is good and doesn’t do it.”- James 4:17 “God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection.  Don’t run after them.”- attributed to Rick Warren Sara Horn concludes Chapter 6 of How Can I Possibly Forgive? with strong encouragement for us […]

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