All posts in " flourishing "

Vision = a preservative

By Dave Henning / July 29, 2023

“Vision is a preservative.  It will keep you young.  The best way to stop sinning isn’t to stop sinning.  That’ll work for a week or two.  You need a vision that is bigger and better than the temptation you face! . . .  [You] have to discover something more important than the problem.”- Mark Batterson […]


You will always be you – healthy or languishing

By Dave Henning / June 6, 2017

“You will always be you — a growing, healthy you or a languishing you — but God did not create you to be anybody else.”- John Ortberg In Chapter 1 (“Learn Why God Made You”) of The Me I Want to Be, John Ortberg notes that specific achievements or experiences fail to define life.  Rather, […]

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