All posts in " foothold "

Incredible – the Christmas message

By Dave Henning / December 5, 2022

“Unless you have heard the Christmas message and at some point found it incredible, too, I’m not sure you have ever really grasped it. . . .  If you have never stood and looked at the Gospel and found it ridiculous, impossible, inconceivable, I don’t know that you’ve really understood it.”- Timothy Keller (emphasis author’s) […]


Walk through betrayal with someone else

By Dave Henning / June 9, 2020

“You need to walk through [your betrayal] with someone else: a friend, a counselor, a pastor, someone . . . .  Especially if you want to heal from it sooner rather than later.”- Phil Waldrep ” ‘In your anger do not sin.’  Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and […]

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