All posts in " future "

The false god of the future – equally dangerous

By Dave Henning / December 22, 2020

Equally dangerous, however, is the false god of the future — the forward-staring face of Janus.  This false god can take a number of forms, but the most prevalent is that of godless anxiety. . . . we become hindered with constant fear, worry, and uncertainty.  A thousand doubts and what-ifs arise as we pay […]


Big question mark hanging out in your soul

By Dave Henning / June 22, 2019

“If you have a big question mark hanging out in your soul, maybe one that has to do with faith, vocation, or relationships, perhaps your next right thing is to take a break from your frantic search for answers and look around for arrows instead.”- Emily P. Freeman Emily P. Freeman concludes Chapter 5 of […]


When the future’s a fuzzy blob

By Dave Henning / May 29, 2019

“We become discouraged when we can’t see the course ahead too clearly — there are times when the future is no better than a fuzzy blob.  Other time we can’t tell whether we’re in the homestretch or if the course is going to take yet another turn.  The main thing is to keep running.”- Kyle […]


Facing the future in teaspoons of time

By Dave Henning / March 8, 2019

“I could only face the future in teaspoons of time. . . .  When there is an undoing in your life, there is an unknowing of every next millisecond.  Every next breath.  The peaceful predictability of what you thought would be your life is suddenly replaced by a very unexpected darkness and silenced you aren’t […]


The soul needs a future

By Dave Henning / February 25, 2015

“In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord. . . my soul refused to be comforted.”- Psalm 77:2 (NASB) “He [God] has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”- Ecclesiastes 3:11 In Chapter […]

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