All posts in " idolatry "

Door #1, #2, or #3

By Dave Henning / February 9, 2023

In Chapter 4 (“Calling All Gods”) of Gods at War, Pastor Kyle Idelman references Joshua’s farewell address to the Israelites at Shechem (Joshua 24).  Following a brief history lesson regarding God’s constant faithfulness to Israel, Joshua throws down the gauntlet.  It’s time for the nation of  Israel to make a choice- to follow the God […]


The idolatry of work

By Dave Henning / May 23, 2020

As Pastor Timothy Keller concludes Chapter 1 of Every Good Endeavor, he reiterates an idea he presented earlier in the chapter, that many people mistakenly think of work as a curse.  Antithetically, then, something else such as leisure or family becomes the only way to find meaning in life.  Yet, the fact that God rested […]


Strongholds in our lives

By Dave Henning / May 13, 2015

In Chapter 3 of Waiting on God, Charles Stanley builds on God’s testing of Abraham by asking the following question: Who or what is on the throne of your heart?  Idolatry is a stronghold that stealthily slips into our lives.  We may not even be aware it has taken hold.  Dr. Stanley asks three questions […]

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