All posts in " illumination "

Revelation versus illumination

By Dave Henning / February 14, 2021

“But don’t let your passion and your vision lead you outside of God’s revelation because if you do, you will end up on your own.  Illumination is subjective, so it should always be based on revelation, which is objective.  God’s objective revelation is His Word.”- Dr. Tony Evans Dr. Tony Evans concludes Chapter 7 of […]


The shine and its power – longing for radiance

By Dave Henning / August 1, 2019

“The shine exposes the flint in my heart . . . and it forces me to confront my sin and weakness and ask the Lord to change me.  That’s the power of the shine — it leaves me longing to be illuminated, more responsive, more radiant.”- Tina Boesch “In the beginning was the Word, and […]

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