All posts in " imagination "

Imagination released from prison

By Dave Henning / August 24, 2024

“I long to see imagination released from its prison and given its proper place among the Sons of the new creation.”- A. W. Tozer “Nothing is more practical than finding God.  That is, falling in a quite absolute, final way.  What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination will affect everything.  It will […]


A God-given vision captures your imagination

By Dave Henning / April 27, 2019

” . . . what you need is a vision from God that captures your imagination and captures your energy. . . .  A God-given vision keeps us from decay and disorder.  It energizes everything we do.  And turning that vision into reality is one way we love God with all our strength.”- Mark Batterson […]


Dream big

By Dave Henning / January 23, 2016

Following Chapter 4, Mark Batterson describes the first of three prayer circles- dream big.  This topic will be discussed in detail in Chapters 5-7 of The Circle Maker. Pastor Batterson notes that Honi the circle maker was mesmerized by one phrases in one verse of Scripture: “When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we […]

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