All posts in " Kingdom of God "

Restoration of the natural order

By Dave Henning / January 9, 2022

“The resurrection was indeed a miraculous display of God’s power, but we should not see it as a suspension of the natural order of the world.  Rather it was the beginning of the restoration of the natural order of the world as God intended it to be. . . .  when Jesus rose from the […]


Unmade decisions – a burden and a gift

By Dave Henning / June 14, 2019

“Unmade decisions have the power to either close us up in fear or open us up to love.  This is both the burden and the gift of our indecision.  We get to choose which one we carry.”- Emily P. Freeman Emily P. Freeman concludes Chapter 1 of The Next Right Thing as she reminds you […]


The act of consecration

By Dave Henning / May 6, 2016

“The act of consecration is . . . the first step before God’s protection and provision can flow.”- John Eldredge John Eldredge begins Chapter 8 (Consecration- Bringing Things Under the Rule of Jesus”) of Moving Mountains by describing  a scene from the movie We Were Soldiers.  Sixty men spill out of eight Bell “Huey” helicopters […]


Our present life

By Dave Henning / April 30, 2016

“Our present life feels like a real fight as if there was something pretty wild in the universe which we needed to redeem.”-William James In Chapter 5 (“Bold Authority”) of Moving Mountains, John Eldredge comments on words that get tacked onto the end of many prayers, yet seem to lack little of their original punch-“In […]


Just a whole lot of small

By Dave Henning / September 20, 2015

“Many doors that look large to us are small to God, and many doors that look small to us are very large to him.”- John Ortberg Today John Ortberg concludes his discussion of four reasons why some doors remain closed to us (Chapter 9, All the Places to Go) 4.  Doors remain closed because God […]


God’s sufficiency

By Dave Henning / January 2, 2015

Timothy Keller concludes Chapter 8 of Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God by discussing the final two petitions of the Lord’s Prayer plus the ascription. 7.  Lead us not into temptation.  Pastor Keller states that Augustine made an important distinction about this petition: “The prayer is not that we should not be tempted, but […]

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