All posts in " kingdom "

The kingdom of pharmaceutical relief

By Dave Henning / May 17, 2019

“Chemistry is chasing Christianity as the nation’s largest religion.  Indeed, millions of Americans, who, in times of personal crisis and emotional and mental anguish, once turned to priests, ministers, and rabbis for keys to the heavenly kingdom, no go to physicians and psychiatrists, who hold the keys to the kingdom of pharmaceutical relief.”- Joseph Califano, […]


“I didn’t sign up for this”

By Dave Henning / March 14, 2017

“Maybe you are in a situation in life where you are saying on a regular basis, ‘I didn’t sign up for this.’ “- Dr. Tony Evans Dr. Tony Evans begins Chapter 13 (The Perspective of Detours)” of Detours with the story of an employer who sent a Christmas memo to all his employees.  The memo […]

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