All posts in " Life Energy List "

The exact right choice or the life choice?

By Dave Henning / June 30, 2019

“Instead of asking which would be the exact right choice, consider the life choice.  Jesus says he is the way, the truth, and the life.  When we walk with Jesus and consider his presence with us, then we can trust he will lead us toward life, so that even in the things that feel draining […]


Life-draining or life-giving?

By Dave Henning / June 29, 2019

” . . . there may be things on your list that feel life-draining, but the result of that thing is actually life-giving. . . .  It may help to remember that while on the front end it might feel life-draining, what you’ll remember is how much life it gave you in the end.”- Emily […]


The life you’re living – make a list

By Dave Henning / June 28, 2019

“Is the life you’re living the same life that wants to live in you?  Before you tell your life what you want to do with it, listen for what it intends to do with you.”- Parker J. Palmer, Let Your Life Speak In Chapter 9 (“Make the Most Important List”) of The Next Right Thing, […]

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