All posts in " lifeline "

The chaotic knots in our souls

By Dave Henning / May 6, 2024

“Faith isn’t summoned, it grows.  It grows because of a relationship, not your willpower. . . .   A relationship with God — it changes everything.  He untangles the chaotic knots in our souls — but probably not in the way we expected. . . .  He untangles the knots through seasons of tears and raw […]


Throwing your faith a lifeline

By Dave Henning / August 18, 2020

“It’s (opening toward God) like throwing your faith a lifeline.  Every wonderful thing in your life is a gift from God, an expression of his heart toward you. . . .  Every moment you have ever been happy, thrilled, comforted, hopeful . . . that was God loving you.  Such gifts come from no other […]


Such a gentle grace = beauty

By Dave Henning / August 6, 2020

“Beauty is such a gentle grace.  Like God, it rarely shouts, rarely intrudes.  Rather it woos, soothes, invites; it romances and caresses.  We often sigh in the presence of beauty as it begins to minister to us — a good, deep soul-sigh.”- John Eldredge John Eldredge concludes Chapter 3 of Get Your Life Back as […]

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