All posts in " marathon "

Turn up the volume – Bible

By Dave Henning / May 26, 2023

“To turn up the volume on the Word of God, you need a plan.  You’re not going to accidentally hear more of the Bible in your everyday life.  Everything important to you has some sort of plan that goes with it. . . .  If there was one thing my [marathon] training taught me, it’s […]


Rehydrating regimen – filling yourself up

By Dave Henning / November 22, 2019

“If you are constantly pouring yourself out, you require a regimen of filling yourself up — rehydrating. . . .  If you want to live and love —  marathon distance — you had better know how to consistently restore depleted resources.  And preferably before you are in desperate need.”- Jeff Manion Then because so many […]


The cumulative effect – one step at a time

By Dave Henning / June 3, 2019

“Keep taking one step at a time, and at the proper time you’ll discover a cumulative effect. . . .  Eventually the race we run is made up of tens of thousands of individual steps.  Each step,in the moment, may seem insignificant, but the cumulative effect of all the steps ultimately determines what race we […]


When the future’s a fuzzy blob

By Dave Henning / May 29, 2019

“We become discouraged when we can’t see the course ahead too clearly — there are times when the future is no better than a fuzzy blob.  Other time we can’t tell whether we’re in the homestretch or if the course is going to take yet another turn.  The main thing is to keep running.”- Kyle […]

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