All posts in " messiahs "

God doesn’t need any more messiahs

By Dave Henning / October 10, 2017

“My availability to God’s call to sacrifice — Abraham’s availability to God’s call to sacrifice, your availability to God’s call to sacrifice — is predicated on the understanding that God doesn’t need any more messiahs.  He sent one.  The job is finished.  We are not needed.  I am not needed.  Ah, but I’m wanted (emphasis […]


The true self you keep hiding inside yourself

By Dave Henning / October 9, 2017

“Part of resting in the reality that your true self is hidden with Christ in God is looking at the true self you keep hiding inside yourself.”- Jared C. Wilson “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. . […]

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