All posts in " Michelangelo "

Picking at the scab of past pain

By Dave Henning / May 21, 2021

“When we keep picking at the scab of past pain, refusing to allow the wound to heal, we will become bitter.  And bitterness spawns other undesirable emotions and actions.  Look at the words Paul tethered to bitterness: rage, anger, brawling, slander, malice.   A bitter root will produce bitter fruit.  It has no choice.”- Sharon Jaynes […]


Exactly who God intended you to be

By Dave Henning / February 2, 2021

“When God created you, He chose every piece about you and planned for you to use it to fulfill your destiny.  You are exactly who God intended you to be.  And God often uses the weaker and less likely people in the world to accomplish the greatest things.”- Dr. Tony Evans As Dr. Tony Evans […]


Chaos around you vs. calm within you

By Dave Henning / January 31, 2021

“The chaos around you shouldn’t override the calm within you.  Living out your destiny simply means living according to God’s divine design within you.  It means carrying out the full authority you have been granted and ruling in the realm where He has placed you.  It entails fully developing and maximizing  the masterpiece known as […]


What encouragers do – summon the best

By Dave Henning / February 27, 2020

“Jesus did to Peter what encouragers do.  He summoned the best.  He built Peter up.  With the skill of rock masons, encouragers stack stones of affirmation and inspiration.”- Max Lucado Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in […]

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