All posts in " opportunities "

A season of blocked doors

By Dave Henning / September 15, 2016

“During a season of blocked doors, we can grow frustrated.”- Max Lucado In Chapter 8 (“The Right Doors Open”) of More to Your Story, Pastor Max Lucado tells of a problem with Molly, the Lucado’s nine-year- old golden retriever.  When Molly wants out of the house, she scratches the door.  As a result, marks decorate […]


Little by little

By Dave Henning / August 9, 2015

John Ortberg continues Chapter 3 of All the Places to Go with a discussion of what-if? people.  What-if? people lead imaginative lives.  A what-if? attitude is their response to ideas and events.  Pastor Ortberg adds: “What-if” is a big idea, as big as God, for it is the practice of God.” John adds that God […]

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