All posts in " Sea of Galilee "

Speed or comfort or convenience?

By Dave Henning / May 13, 2023

“No matter where the crowds were from in Israel, Jesus’s words still rang true: no one escaped the impact of the rains. . . .  This is exactly what Jesus wanted every ear in the crowd to walk away understanding: the consequences for choosing speed or comfort or convenience in their lives were exactly the […]


Necessary and voluntary limits

By Dave Henning / August 12, 2022

“We live in an age of #wanderlust.  We think a move will be the cure for our boring lives.  But what if there are necessary and voluntary limits we must submit ourselves to in order to experience home?  The climb to find home in the modern world is entirely uphill.”- Daniel Grothe “The man from […]


More spunk, more grit – or no spark?

By Dave Henning / January 13, 2021

“We’d like to think [the disciples] would respond with more faith . . . .  We’d like to see more spunk, more grit. . . .  But they and the silent others showed no spark.  They counted the hungry people, the money in their bag, and the amount of bread and fish.  They did not, […]


UnScrooged from stinginess

By Dave Henning / March 9, 2020

“You’ve been UnScrooged from stinginess enough times to know the easiest way to make yourself smile is to make someone else smile first.”- Max Lucado “Whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant.  And whoever desires to be first among you , let him be your slave — just as the […]

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