All posts in " security "

Security in all the wrong places

By Dave Henning / January 17, 2024

“If we don’t understand who God is and what He has done, we begin to look for security in all the wrong places and pain is multiplied in our lives.  God wants us to avoid all of that frustration and futility.”- Chip Ingram “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, neither angels or […]


Anchor our hope in God alone

By Dave Henning / January 16, 2024

“God’s ultimate purpose is not to make us more insecure.  It’s to acquaint us with His ways, strengthen our faith, try our character, and anchor our hope in God alone.  Paradoxically, the things we become most insecure about are often designed to increase our sense of security.”- Chip Ingram “And surely I am with you […]


A disorienting journey

By Dave Henning / January 15, 2024

“As with Joseph, our journey toward fulfillment of God’s purpose for our lives rarely looks like a direct route.  In fact, it can be disorienting.  When we experience a few setbacks, we start to wonder . . . if our desires and God’s plans for us will ever be fulfilled.”- Chip Ingram “God has said, […]


The theology of the Lord’s presence

By Dave Henning / January 1, 2019

“When we are facing hardship, it is vital that we preach to ourselves the theology of the presence of the Lord.  That theology doesn’t just define the nature of God’s commitment to us, it also defines who we are as children of God.”- Paul David Tripp As Paul David Tripp continues Chapter 10 of Suffering, […]


Six Common Idols

By Dave Henning / May 14, 2015

Charles Stanley continues Chapter 3 of Waiting on God by identifying and describing six common idols, or subtle strongholds, that we often hold too tightly.  The first two common idols are discussed today. 1.  Our own understanding.  When adversity comes, we often don’t understand what is going on or why God allowed it to happen […]

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